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Blog Articles

4 Reasons to Consider Bunion Surgery

Bunions are bumps that develop on your big toe joint, and they can cause pain and even affect how you move. Learn about their symptoms, effective treatments, and why surgery might be right for you if your bunion problems have progressed.
Jul 25th, 2024
5 Practical Ways to Prevent Arthritis Flare-ups

5 Practical Ways to Prevent Arthritis Flare-ups

Arthritis most commonly affects the hands, knees, hips, and spine, but it can really hurt your feet and ankles. Learn about the causes and risk factors of arthritis, as well as prevention strategies and treatments that can make all the difference.
Jun 6th, 2024

Does Over-the-Counter Toenail Fungus Treatment Work?

Does unsightly toenail fungus make you want to hide your feet? Learn more about over-the-counter antifungal products, such as how they work — and more importantly, whether they work — at eradicating nail fungus.
May 17th, 2024
Eat Your Way to Less Neuropathy Pain

Eat Your Way to Less Neuropathy Pain

Neuropathy is a painful condition that develops in many people who are living with diabetes. It can lead to infection or even amputation. We offer innovative neuropathy treatments, but you can institute dietary changes that can ease the pain.
Apr 10th, 2024

It’s Time to Deal With Your Heel Pain

When we have foot discomfort, we can often try to soldier through it or opt for a quick fix, like slapping a bandage on a blister. Sometimes that’s enough, but other times it pays to seek help from a skilled podiatrist.
Jan 19th, 2024
5 Ways to Minimize Severe Bunion Pain

5 Ways to Minimize Severe Bunion Pain

If you have a bunion, then you know how much the bump on the big toe joint can hurt. Learn about other uncomfortable bunion symptoms, what you can do to alleviate them, and guidance your podiatrist can provide.
Dec 7th, 2023
Lifestyle Habits for Managing Your Gout

Lifestyle Habits for Managing Your Gout

Did you wake up in the middle of the night with throbbing big toe pain and an angry looking joint? It could be gout, a type of inflammatory arthritis that affects 8.3 million Americans. Learn how to prevent an attack or get treatment if one strikes. 
Nov 16th, 2023
4 Reasons to Consider Professional Wart Treatment

4 Reasons to Consider Professional Wart Treatment

Warts aren’t just nuisances, they can be unsightly. They’re caused by a virus and can take up to two years to go away. Learn more about why warts develop, and what red flags may indicate that you should seek medical treatment for them.
Oct 2nd, 2023
How to Stop Toenail Fungus From Spreading and Returning

How to Stop Toenail Fungus From Spreading and Returning

If you’ve had persistent problems with toenail fungus, you’re not alone. Besides the irritating symptoms, it’s hard to get rid of, spreads easily, and tends to return. Learn how to avoid toenail fungus and get the best treatments if you do get it.
Sep 6th, 2023
Can My Ingrown Toenail Heal on Its Own?

Can My Ingrown Toenail Heal on Its Own?

For something so small, an ingrown toenail can cause a lot of pain — and even lead to infection. This is never good, but it becomes dangerous if you’re living with diabetes. Learn why professional treatment is so critical.
Aug 2nd, 2023
The Importance of Diabetic Foot Care

The Importance of Diabetic Foot Care

If you live with diabetes, you’re at risk of diabetic neuropathy, a complication that can cause foot wounds and quickly turn serious — even life-threatening. Learn why seeing your podiatrist regularly and caring for your feet is crucial.
Jul 6th, 2023
My Toenail Fungus is Embarrassing: Can You Help?

My Toenail Fungus is Embarrassing: Can You Help?

If you’ve been hiding your toes because of unsightly toenail fungus, it’s time to see your podiatrist. Learn the facts about fungus, effective treatments that are available, and proven preventive strategies. Then, break out the sandals!
Jun 2nd, 2023
Why Is It a Problem to Have Flat Feet?

Why Is It a Problem to Have Flat Feet?

Flat feet is a common condition, and while it doesn’t always cause issues, some people have pain, movement limitations, and other problems. Learn who’s at risk, how flat feet contributes to other problems, and effective treatments.
May 9th, 2023
Corns and Calluses: What’s the Difference?

Corns and Calluses: What’s the Difference?

Corns and calluses are common foot conditions that people often confuse for each other. These skin problems can cause discomfort and don’t make your feet look good. Learn how to tell the difference between them, plus tips to prevent or treat them.
Apr 10th, 2023
You Don’t Have to Suffer With Heel Spurs

You Don’t Have to Suffer With Heel Spurs

You may not ever know you have heel spurs — bony protrusions that develop on your heels and have multiple causes — but they can lead to pain and inflammation, and affect your movement. Learn how they’re diagnosed and our diverse treatment options.
Mar 7th, 2023
How Your Diet Can Help Alleviate Symptoms of Gout

How Your Diet Can Help Alleviate Symptoms of Gout

Once a disease only of the wealthy, gout is now a problem for over 9 million Americans. It's a type of arthritis that often affects the big toe joint, and it can be agonizing. Changing your diet can help, as can your podiatrist’s treatments.
Feb 8th, 2023
6 Foot Care Habits You Need if You Have Diabetes

6 Foot Care Habits You Need if You Have Diabetes

If you live with diabetes, it’s critical to take proper care of your feet, since even a small nick or cut can lead to serious complications. Learn about things you can do to take care of your feet, and why your podiatrist is your most important ally.
Jan 19th, 2023
Helping Your Child With Flat Feet

Helping Your Child With Flat Feet

Have you noticed that your little one’s feet are flat, with no visible arch, either part or all of the time? Most kids outgrow this, but it’s essential to get your child evaluated and treated if they suffer symptoms. Learn more here.
Dec 5th, 2022
Shoe Hacks That Help With Arthritis Pain

Shoe Hacks That Help With Arthritis Pain

Arthritis can make you miserable, causing pain, swelling, and mobility problems. It might surprise you that your footwear can be essential to your arsenal of treatments as you battle arthritis discomfort. Learn more here.
Nov 1st, 2022
Worried About a Wart? Here’s How We Can Help

Worried About a Wart? Here’s How We Can Help

If you’re self-conscious about warts that have erupted on your feet or having compromised mobility due to a painful plantar wart, it’s time to seek treatment. Learn about what causes warts, who’s at risk, and what treatments are available.
Oct 6th, 2022
Why Toenail Fungus Isn’t Something You Should Ignore

Why Toenail Fungus Isn’t Something You Should Ignore

Toenail fungus causes several symptoms and looks unsightly, but it’s also a problem that must be tended to. Learn about the symptoms, what problems can occur if it goes untreated, how it can be treated successfully, and more.
Sep 6th, 2022
Reasons Why a Normal Gait Matters

Reasons Why a Normal Gait Matters

The way you walk, known as your gait, is critical to your stability and health. If your gait is compromised, you’re at risk for a variety of problems. Learn what causes gait issues, how they’re treated, and why a good gait preserves your health.
Aug 1st, 2022
How to Properly Care for Ulcer Wounds

How to Properly Care for Ulcer Wounds

Diabetes causes complications ranging from vision loss to an increased heart disease risk. A significant complication is neuropathy-related foot ulcers. If not treated early, they can lead to life-threatening problems. Learn about treatments here.
Jul 1st, 2022
Complications of Untreated Neuropathy

Complications of Untreated Neuropathy

Diabetes is a complex condition that leads to multiple complications. One of the most common is foot neuropathy stemming from nerve damage. Learn about the risks that develop from diabetes, and how you can avoid them.
Jun 1st, 2022
When You Should Worry About Your Warts

When You Should Worry About Your Warts

Warts are embarrassing and can be painful, and the fact that they affect 10% of the population worldwide is little solace when one is affecting your self-esteem or causing you discomfort. Learn about effective treatments here.
May 1st, 2022
What’s the Difference Between a Callus and a Corn?

What’s the Difference Between a Callus and a Corn?

Corns and calluses are two distinct skin issues that affect your feet, but there’s confusion around what differentiates them. Learn about what defines each condition, how to prevent them, and effective treatments.
Mar 1st, 2022
4 Telltale Signs of Gout

4 Telltale Signs of Gout

Gout is a kind of arthritis, and you may be surprised at the reason it develops. It causes intense, sudden pain, among other symptoms. Learn about the risk factors for gout, its most prominent symptoms, and what can be done about it.
Jan 1st, 2022
Understanding the Different Treatments for Plantar Fasciitis

Understanding the Different Treatments for Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis develops when your plantar fascia, the strong band of tissue that runs the length of your foot, becomes inflamed. It can cause severe pain and limit your mobility significantly. Learn about the diverse treatments that offer relief.
Dec 1st, 2021
How Laser Wart Removal Works

How Laser Wart Removal Works

A plantar wart is one that emerges on the bottom of your foot. Standing and walking push it deeper into your foot, which can cause enough pain to alter how you walk. Learn about laser wart removal, a highly effective treatment.
Nov 1st, 2021
Solutions for Your Gout

Solutions for Your Gout

Gout isn’t a disease of yore. It’s alive and well today, with sufferers struggling with joint pain, swelling, redness, tenderness, and an increasingly hot feeling. Learn the facts about gout and what treatments provide lasting relief.
Oct 4th, 2021
I Have Flat Feet: Is That a Problem?

I Have Flat Feet: Is That a Problem?

Flat feet describes feet that have no arches, and the problem affects up to 20% of adults. Unfortunately, the condition causes pain in many places, plus a host of other foot problems. Learn more about flat feet complications — and solutions — here.
Sep 14th, 2021
How to Prevent and Treat Ingrown Toenails

How to Prevent and Treat Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails affect a small part of your body, but the pain is real — and significant. If an infection develops, you have more pain, swelling, and redness. Learn more about effective treatments and how to ensure that you never get another one.
Aug 17th, 2021

What Is Osteoarthritis, and How Is It Treated?

Osteoarthritis is known as “wear and tear” arthritis because it affects you more as you age. It can impact your feet and ankles, causing pain, inflammation, and immobility. Learn more about osteoarthritis, especially the many treatment options.
Jul 20th, 2021

What Every Diabetic Should Know About Foot Care

If you live with diabetes, your feet are especially vulnerable to serious disease-related complications. You and your podiatrist are partners in keeping your feet healthy. Take a few moments to learn how to care for your feet properly.
Jun 30th, 2021

What to Expect During MLS Laser Therapy

Struggling with inflammation and pain from a foot or ankle injury? Find out how we can use MLS laser therapy to dramatically reduce your pain and get you back to normal life!
May 26th, 2021