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Foot Ulcers Specialist

South Florida Foot & Ankle Centers

Podiatrists & Foot and Ankle Surgeons located in Royal Palm Beach, FL & Lake Worth, FL

Life is busy, and it helps to have two healthy feet. Foot ulcers can cause painful issues that inhibit your ability to walk normally and accomplish all you need to. That’s why, if you’re suffering, you need to find a reliable podiatrist for foot ulcer treatment. South Florida Foot & Ankle Centers is a group of South Florida podiatrists that specializes in a wide range of foot treatments, including diagnosis and treatment of foot ulcers. For foot ulcer treatments, call one of the offices in Royal Palm Beach, Lake Worth, Palm Beach Gardens, and Belle Glade, Florida, or request an appointment online.

Foot Ulcers Q & A

What are diabetic foot ulcers?

A diabetic foot ulcer is a sore that develops on the foot as a result of an injury.

If you have an accident or bang your foot, check your foot immediately to inspect the injury. In addition, you should check your feet on a regular basis to make sure that a sore is not forming from your shoes rubbing against your skin. 

Diabetes causes conditions such as neuropathy (nerve damage that causes numbness) and a decrease in blood flow. This means you may not feel a sore and that your body’s natural healing powers are limited by the decreased blood flow.

If you have diabetes, any broken skin can become a diabetic foot ulcer. Prevention and early treatment are important factors with diabetic foot sores to prevent more serious complications.

What are the other types of foot ulcers?

While most people who develop foot ulcers have diabetes, other medical problems can cause foot ulcers, too. Two other types of foot ulcers are: 

Venous ulcers

Venous ulcers are caused by compromised veins. If your vein valves function poorly or not at all, fluids begin to pool down the legs, causing swelling. This leads to increased pressure in the venous system, and eventually ulceration. Venous ulcers usually appear on the ankles.

Arterial ulcers 

Arterial ulcers are caused by poor blood flow to the lower extremities, usually because of a blocked artery. They usually develop on the ankles, heels, toes, or feet, and can become easily infected.

All foot ulcers are serious, so call South Florida Foot & Ankle Centers for prompt, expert care if you notice the symptoms of a foot ulcer.

What are the symptoms of foot ulcers?

The most obvious symptom of foot ulcers is the presence of a sore on your foot. In some cases, you may experience itching, pain, swelling, and skin color changes. Infections can also cause skin that feels warm. 

How are foot ulcers treated?

Early treatment is crucial for optimal healing of foot ulcers. Typical treatments include:

  • Antibiotics
  • Bandaging your wound
  • Moisture-maintaining wound fillers
  • Biologically active wound bandages
  • Platelet-rich fibrin therapy
  • Topical stem cell therapy
  • Negative pressure wound therapy
  • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy 

The best foot ulcer treatment is, of course, prevention. Check your feet regularly, see your podiatrist at least twice a year, and follow your doctor’s instructions for controlling your diabetes.

If you’re suffering from foot ulcers, proper treatment is critical, and the team at South Florida Foot & Ankle Centers can help. Call or book your appointment online today.